December 18, 2011


Three videos of my show at Le Lautrec in Paris ("Basement Sessions", for WRANGLER and BRAIN MAGAZINE).

Interview :

"Jean Genie" (cover - David Bowie) :

"Angel of Death" :

December 15, 2011

Acoustic Session LE CARGO

Last Monday we played 4 songs for LE CARGO, at David B's place - so much light... beautiful videos. Thank you Renaud ! 

// Lundi dernier, nous avons joué 4 chansons pour LE CARGO, chez David B. - tant de lumières.... belles vidéos. Merci Renaud !

Guitar : Mocke D.
Keyboards : David B.
Double bass : Brad S.
Guitar, harmonica and backing vocals : Stephen M.
Vocals and guitar : Swann

"Angel Of Death"

"Trying Hard To Find Myself Again"

"Poem #1"


by Sophie Jarry - photoshoot on a rooftop in Paris

Here are some pictures taken by Sophie Jarry in Paris, in November. Lovely and sunny afternoon...

// Voici quelques photos prises par Sophie Jarry à Paris, en Novembre. Une après-midi ensoleillée et agréable...

November 6, 2011

Here are some photos taken by Priscilla Miegemolle Dimé at Le Chacha last thursday, where we celebrated my friend Zohaer's birthday //

// Voici quelques photos prises par Priscilla Miegemolle Dimé au Chacha jeudi dernier, où nous avons fêté l'anniversaire de mon ami Zohaer //

November 4, 2011

This is a video i made a few days ago for "Angel Of Death". This song is about the end of the world. You can listen to "Angel of Death" on Noomiz //

// Une vidéo que j'ai faite il y a quelques jours pour "Angel Of Death". Cette chanson parle de la fin du monde. Vous pouvez écouter "Angel Of Death" sur Noomiz //

October 21, 2011

New recordings available !

Finally... After a long and unbearable suspense... i am very happy to present you some of the last recordings we've done...! Three other songs are available on my Noomiz page //

// Et voilà, c'est avec beaucoup d'émotion et après une longue période de suspense que je vous fais aujourd'hui découvrir quelques uns des derniers enregistrements que nous ayons faits ...! Trois autres morceaux sont disponibles sur ma page Noomiz.

alt : Noomiz

A venir : un clip avec un morceau inédit.

October 2, 2011

Live at TARATATA - "Loneliness"

Here is the video of our performance at French TV show "TARATATA" ... !! //

// Et voici la vidéo de notre prestation à Taratata...!! //

Song played  : "Loneliness"
With Mocke Depret (guitar) et Stephen Munson (harmonica and backing vocals)

TARATATA N°399 (Tour. le 06/09/2011 / Diff. France 2 le 30/09/11)

September 30, 2011

TARATATA... c'est le grand jour ! Rendez-vous ce soir sur France 2 à partir de 23h20.

Vous pourrez bien sûr re-visionner la vidéo sur le site MyTaratata. Vous pouvez déjà y trouver la fiche artiste de SWANN en cliquant ici.

La chanson interprétée est "Loneliness" ; Mocke Depret m'accompagne à la guitare électrique et Stephen Munson à l'harmonica et aux choeurs. Grand moment de trac et de bonheur à la fois ! Mais une chose est sûre... nous étions à 200%.

A venir : de nombreuses dates de concerts et une multitude de nouveaux enregistrements. Stay tuned ! Pour cela, rejoignez-moi sur Facebook, sur Noomiz ou sur Twitter.

Interview Radio Sensations / All Inclusive !

Interview pour la radio associative RADIO SENSATIONS dans l'émission ALL INCLUSIVE, faite le 29 septembre 2011 !

20110929 All Inclusive SWANN by All Inclusive

September 28, 2011

Interview Radio le jeudi 29 septembre !

Jeudi 29 Septembre à 20h, je serai en interview sur Radio Sensations dans l'émission "All Inclusive" ! Je vous ai également concoté une petite playlist à base de morceaux plus ou moins inédits et de grands classiques du rock.

Pour écouter, plusieurs solutions :

- sur la bande FM via votre bon vieux transistor ou autoradio : dans les Yvelines (98.4), ou dans l'Essonne (98.9)
- sur internet :

A jeudi soir !

September 13, 2011

Today at Wrangler's showroom

Today at Wrangler's showroom in Paris ...


Nice day ... beautiful clothes ...

SWANN - DAISY (A Bicycle Made For Two)

Here is a cover of a traditional song, "Daisy". We would always sing it when we were backstage. So we played live it at La Loge, last Saturday.

Vocals : Stephen and Swann
Guitar : Mocke Depret
Bass : Bradney Scott.

Roxy Music

The first time i've ever listened to Roxy Music I was about 15 years old. It was at my grandparent's house in the North of France, and i was listening to my father's vinyl records.That's how I discovered the album "Stranded"...

 Roxy Music - Just Like You

Roxy Music - A Song For Europe


September 8, 2011


I've been invited to play the French famous TV show TARATATA ! It'll be broadcasted on September 30th (France 2) and it'll also be available on Taratata official website.

I've been there with Stephen, Mocke and JB; we played "Loneliness".

the view from where we played (by Stephen)

JB and me - waiting for the soundchecks ! (by Stephen)
Mocke and me backstage, just before we played (by Stephen)

Nice guitars...

June 16, 2011

La Cigale // Supporting Mélanie Laurent

I played La Cigale (Paris) last night (supporting french actress and singer Mélanie Laurent). Magical moment... Thanks Mélanie...

La Cigale - soundchecks // by JBK

Swann // by Julien Pitinome

Swann // by Julien Pitinome

Mocke Depret // by Julien Pitinome

Stephen Munson // by Julien Pitinome 

"Ah, paris" : Interview by La Mairie de Paris

Very important point : this interview took place on my balcony.

Shooting for Mariyka Vintage

Shooting for Maryika Vintage at Les Buttes Chaumont (Paris) // Photos by (c) Lila Hervy 

May 11, 2011

THE Piano...


Viscount Intercontinental Piano 7 
(40 kg - beautiful and healthy baby isn't it ?)

JB, Foster and the piano. JB said "Cool, i'm gonna play some electro music". But he also thinks the piano is much too big to stay in our flat. And he's not completely wrong. 

This is it...


One month ago, a guy from sent me an email saying that he would like to ask me some questions and me to play for an acoustic session. We were supposed to do it late april, but i was terribly ill (and it seemed like a lifetime). I mean, I couldn't speak anymore, and I was unable to do anything but sleep.
So ... last Sunday, Stephen came at home with the Jukebo team, and we played Loneliness. You can also read the interview (in French) on

Click here to watch the video !

Interview for La Mairie de Paris

In February I was interviewed by La Mairie de Paris.

The interview was based on a very simple idea : "I remember...", so we talked about my childhood... in French of course !

La chanteuse Swann en mode "Je me souviens" par mairiedeparis

April 3, 2011


This videoclip was made by my friend Victor Picon who stayed at home for a weekend in February. He shot this video during the soundchecks at La Loge. The song that is played is called "Loneliness".

March 24, 2011

I spent three days in Switzerland one week ago. It was really good to go there again. I played The Rocking Chair (Vevey) on Friday night with Mocke and Stephen, as the opening act for An Pierlé ; and the following day I played in a small and cosy bar in Geneva called La Galerie, on my own. It felt weird to play alone, just like I used to do when I started playing live when I was 17. But it was nice to see that people were listening silently and respectfully to all my songs.

And last Tuesday, I played in Rennes, at L’Etage. I was supporting this mythic and legendary Woodstock band, Ten Years After. It was a great honour to play before them, on the same stage, in front of a 800-people audience. I’ve never been that nervous before a gig, believe me... Stephen was so nervous too... And JB, my boyfriend, was terribly anxious when he first saw the crowd in the room, ten minutes before i started playing. The first song i played was “Will I See You Again”, on my own – Stephen wasn’t playing. It was actually very frightening, but I was so nervous that i had the feeling to be playing it for the first time ever. We played 7 songs, the show lasted 25 mn. I was very surprised that people were silent – they really seemed to like the songs and the atmosphere that was created.

I will post a video very soon.

March 11, 2011

Last night i dreamt that my hair were so long that I could feel them on my hips. It was a strange feeling. Unfortunately i must admit that my hair are not that long, though i wish they were.

February 28, 2011

Some beautiful pictures taken by three gifted photographers...

I played at La Loge on February 12th, with six musicians (Bradney Scott, David Berland, Amaury Blanchard, Stephen Munson, Mocke Depret and Hugo). It was like an orchestra, i felt like I was flying and spiritually dancing to the sound of the instruments. I'll always remember this moment. Sophie Jarry and Victor Picon took some beautiful photos of the show. After the gig, we all went to my place to drink some wine and eat some biscuits and peanuts (and a big plate of pasta with arrabiata sauce, yes...). Then I spent the day with Victor Picon, we had a very tasty brunch and he took some pictures. You can see all these photos there and there !

We also played at L'International last Sunday, with Mocke and Stephen. Vincent Gauthier was there too ! He took a series of portraits that are really special and unique. Well that's my feeling. See the photos there.

Recordings at Steve's studio // Part 2 !

Last Saturday, i spent the afternoon at Steve Prestage's studio with Stephen ... We recorded the backing vocals on "Loneliness", "I'll say a prayer" (amazing surprise, you'll see!), the lead vocal on "Cigarette Song" and the harmonium + lead vocals and backing vocals on "God Is Dead".

It was an important step for us, because we've made some major choices, artistically speaking... This is a glimpse of what "Loneliness" is becoming ...

Acoustic Session @ La Phonogalerie (Paris 18è)

This session was memorable. I had never played in such an unexpected and beautiful place. It was for a "Little Lab - Rhymes of an Hour" night, in december. I played this song i wrote when i was in London, "Loneliness".

Interview by La Mairie de Paris ...

I've been interviewed by La Mairie de Paris a couple of weeks ago... And i also played two songs for them with Stephen. We've shot it at La Loge. I'll soon post the second part of this interview, in which i talk about Paris, and that was my parents' place ! Keep in touch !

Pousse le son de Swann!
envoyé par mairiedeparis. - Regardez d'autres vidéos de musique.

February 9, 2011

Back from hell !

It's the end of age.

I'm done with all that school stuff. Student-life is over now ! I'm excited and terribly scared. I just hope everything will be alright and i'll make the right decisions.

Here's the video of my new song "God Is Dead". It was shot by JB, when Stephen came over to our place last Sunday to rehearse for the upcoming shows (see the list below). I love this song !!! Hope you will like it too.

///Upcoming shows///

  • 12th February @ La Loge (Paris) (19h30)

... and many more to be announced !

Speak soon xxx

January 17, 2011


It's monday, so here's the new webisode ! It was shot yesterday at Parc de Bercy in Paris. The song is "Love Song #1", and you can also listen to it on Myspace or Noomiz.

January 10, 2011


And this is the second webisode. Still at Brad's place. Trying to find new instruments and new way to theorize music...

January 9, 2011

// #1 // GOD IS DEAD //

This is a preview of my new song called "God Is Dead"... Stephen is singing it (very well!) in this video, but I will sing it myself for at La Loge (12th Feb, Paris) and at L'International (20th Feb, Paris). The 2nd episod (#2) will be posted very soon. Probably tomorrow. And this is the the beginning of something !

The video was recorded at Bradney Scott's place, on Saturday 8th January 2011. With Stephen Munson (guitar, vocals), Bradney Scott (double bass) and myself (see where I am ?).

January 3, 2011

Birthday-photoshoot with Sophie Jarry

As you've probably noticed in the previous post, I'm not very good at wishing a happy new year... So let's go back to something i'm more comfortable with !

Last Thursday, for my birthday, i spent the afternoon with my friend Sophie Jarry. We had some tea and orange biscuits, and talked about our families, Christmas, and many other things i won't write about on my blog (ha!). She also took a couple of photos...


... And some more with my puppy Foster(-Elvis : this is meant to please you Steph !). NB : Foster looks really nice and wise on the photos, but we kept on saying "sit down!", "don't move!", "psttttt" (to look at the camera), and i had to coax him with food and toys. But it was really worth it actually !


January 2, 2011

Happy New Year !

I wish you a happy new year 2011 !
And here's a wonderful gif to celebrate  :